Monday, August 23, 2010

Peersonal Traits Test


One of the most important in life was to truly know yourself, because knowing oneself gives happiness not only in your self but also your love ones. It helps you to face problems or trials in life if and only if you truly know about your capability and faith in yourself that you really can face those trails. But what are the things that we must to do if we are starting knowing our self? The answer was just spending some time evaluating you or they called it personality traits.

Last week when we met our subject technoprenuership our facilitator gave the class a prelim examination but not that usual examination because it is all about our personality traits. The personality traits we took have thirty two items and each item have two situations to be choosing to test our characteristics. We also checked it afterwards. I got the average score of forty two. It was bothering me because I don’t know the reason in conducting that personality traits test. But when our facilitator allowed us to see what is the interpretation of our score I felt happy because it shows that “SOMEWHAT ENTREPRENEUR”. Now I know what the real purpose of taking that test is. As a student like me that have little idea about business, I never thought I got an average score about personality traits of being entrepreneur was. I’m not sure if I can be a successful entrepreneur or technopreneur someday. However, it felt me that I have capability to have my own business.

I can relate this activity in our last activity about the life of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. If you planning your own business make sure that you truly know about your self. Just like Jobs and Gates they know their ability and skills. Like them they have both intellectual and skills. As our facilitator said if I’m not mistaken he said that putting your own business you should have 50 percent knowledge and 50 percent skills, and also you should know you’re self. Why? If you don’t have those skills your knowledge is useless. There is no outlet for your knowledge to make your brilliant plan. Also, if you always spending time evaluating your skills and knowledge it will able you to make important choices towards your career. That test trying to analyze our skills and knowledge about entrepreneurship or technopreneurship. Hmmm. Always keep in mind that those evaluation are some of the solution to characterize who you are. All of those are my only understanding what are the personality traits was, but what was the really meaning of personality traits?
As I explore and surf from internet, Wikipedia as specific site personality traits was divided into five factor model FFM. They usually use it to describe human personality. These are the Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism (OCEAN, or CANOE if rearranged). These FFM were discovered and defined by several researchers. I’m so confused of what those Five Factor Model. As the Wikipedia defined the FFM as follows:

The Big Five factors and their constituent traits can be summarized as follows:
Openness – (inventive / curious vs. consistent / cautious). Appreciation for art, emotion, adventure, unusual ideas, curiosity, and variety of experience.
Conscientiousness – (efficient / organized vs. easy-going / careless). A tendency to show self-discipline, act dutifully, and aim for achievement; planned rather than spontaneous behavior.
Extraversion – (outgoing / energetic vs. shy / reserved). Energy, positive emotions, urgency, and the tendency to seek stimulation in the company of others.
Agreeableness – (friendly / compassionate vs. competitive / outspoken). A tendency to be compassionate and cooperative rather than suspicious and antagonistic towards others.
Neuroticism – (sensitive / nervous vs. secure / confident). A tendency to experience unpleasant emotions easily, such as anger, anxiety, depression, or vulnerability.

The Big Five model is a comprehensive, empirical, data-driven research finding. Identifying the traits and structure of human personality has been one of the most fundamental goals in all of psychology. The five broad factors were discovered and defined by several independent sets of researchers (Digman, 1990). These researchers began by studying known personality traits and then factor-analyzing hundreds of measures of these traits (in self-report and questionnaire data, peer ratings, and objective measures from experimental settings) in order to find the underlying factors of personality.

So, I decided to take again the personality traits test with the FFM or Five Factor Mode. is the site where I took my personal traits test again. There questions are all about how we would react in the current conditions that characterize our self or events in a particular place, or our comfort level in a given setting. Every personality scope of the subject has questions to be answer, almost certainly it answers by “Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neither Agree nor Disagree, Agree, and Strongly Agree” to the certain point of the central or most important topic in a questions.

My record of the number of points made by the site compares me to the other men who are twenty or younger here in our country. provides the explanation about my personality traits test. It is stated that I’m not that generally self conscious about myself, it stated also that I’m always experience panic, confusion, and helplessness when under pressure or stress. i easily get affect somebody’s emotions in a irresistible way by too much noise and commotion and do not like thrill-seeking activities. The explanation find that I’m always helping people genuinely rewarding and are generally willing to assist those who are in need. It finds that doing things for others is a kind of self-fulfillment than self-sacrifice, on the other hand I’m not affected strongly by human suffering, priding myself on making objective judgments based on reasons. Those are the generalize explanation of my personality trait test. The interpretation of the result was accurate but not that all. That interpretation was in general. But if we go deeply in the five factor model my score was Openness (14%), Conscientiousness (72%), Extraversion (26%), Agreeableness (45%) and Neuroticism (72%).

In the first factor I got low average of fourteen percent 14%. In entrepreneurship or technopreneurship you must have to be an Openness to new ideas and experiences, so that the entrepreneur or technopreneur will enhance his/her property or asset in which you will able to see new business enterprise that involves risk, but could lead to profit. But I think I prefer dealing with either people or things than ideas. I rather to do the familiar things than to have new routines it is simple to work if you familiar your job. However, openness is one of the most important of being a entrepreneur or technopreneur, it helps to face the new trials or problems. If you this factor you can easily bare that kind of possibility. That possibility may affect your business if you close your mind in the new techniques, ideas, and new concepts. In addition, you must use all of those to achieve a result. Be aware to the possible adjustments of the quality, prices, and etc to the contemporary status in the society. This factor is the lowest rate among the five factors because I prefer dealing with people or things rather than ideas. I usually regard intellectual exercises as a waste of time. But sometimes I have a desire to bend the rules and challenges conventional thinking.

The second factor that I got forty one percent 41% is conscientiousness, if you have a business doesn’t take it for granted. Do your sense of duty towards achieving your best. It must have a plan in a correct or well mannered way to competent other entrepreneur or technopreneur. The life of entrepreneur, you have to promote strategy to have your goals. The sense of duty and obligations is not only average he or she can make above average. He/she must followed a reasonably organized time and have a certain amount in life. In this factor it calculates how dedicated you are in the business you have. Sometimes I sense that I’m not in control of my life. Otherwise, I'm a reasonably organized person and like to have certain amount of routine. Also I have the ability and able to follow some tasks that I feel I need to complete. But not that pretty good in this factor.

Extraversion is the third factor that I got twenty six percent 26%. As what I have understood about extraversion it is the ability to have company with other people, have friends and especially to have client or customer. Technopreneur must make friends easily enough. Sometimes go out and make your way to demonstrate positive feelings toward others. He/she tend to talk much and prefer to control the activities of groups. At times the technopreneur or entrepreneur must to think through the preeminent for others such as the customers, client or even the coworkers, because having strong relationship with them will lead it to the strong walls to protect from the competitors. In this factor I obtain lower result because I'm not that friendly like others. I don’t like to socialize with stranger people. Though I like party yet not that as crowd as concert. All I want in the party is the food.

I got forty five percent 45% in the fourth factor. Agreeableness’s have the practical ability necessary for doing something like to help other people genuinely rewarding and are generally willing to assists those who are in need. So if you are technopreneur or entrepreneur you must have the ability of they called it good communication that every comments, complaints, criticism, clarification, protest or even praises of others it help to make a agreeable decision. If the entrepreneurs have a higher percentage of this field he/she is trustworthy towards others. They considered as friendly, generous, helpful, and willing to compromise with others. As a technopreneur, they should practice the character of being approachable both your customers and other people. He/she should gain a strong relationship with others. I must learn and study soon to be an agreeable so that my percentage of this factor will increase. I want to learn how to trust some people completely because if I have meet new people I can’t give my fully trust.
Neuroticism was the last factor with seventy two percent 72%. This factor talks about stability of the emotion. It is the negative emotional states such as depression, anger, anxiety and self consciousness. He/she easily experience panic, confusion, and helplessness when under pressure or stress. Especially when the technopreneur experience a problem in an investment and other problems or trials that usually came in the business, it makes you under pressure. Some technopreneur may be afraid of situations like this or they are generally fearful. However relating to technopreneurship, the businessmen have this kind of negative emotional states, he/she must have faith to her/his self that he/she can fight the emotional feelings. Yes! I gain this score because I am easily affected by or quick to express emotions, especially sadness. I’m not usually got angry too easily but some things can annoy me.

That Five Factor Model is very helpful to truly know myself. But I’m not sure if I can be a successful businessman someday because of the result of the second personality traits test I took. I learned a lot of this activity such as the advantages to know myself deeply and use the knowledge and skills to be popular and making a lot of money or having achieved or gained much, especially wealth for your future and fame. In addition I learned also some of the personality traits of some successful entrepreneur such as the truly knowing yourself, know your goal, and know your strengths and weaknesses, determination, know your business and your competition. He/she must have the determination and perseverance to achieve this goal.

Every individual have a goal to accomplish at a standardized level that we need to determined its fundamental human traits or personality traits and capacities in consciousness, fulfillment, delight and personal growth.