Monday, August 23, 2010

Commencement Address

Commencement Address by Steve Jobs

During the 2005 graduation ceremony, one of the most noticeable and prominent universities in United States named Stanford University invited Steve Jobs the CEO and the founder of Apple Computers. Steve Jobs was one of the graduation speaker or commencement speaker that he entitled “Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish”- Steve Job.

Steve Jobs gave speech about the three short stories from his life.

The first stories talks about in connecting the dots. In this tale the biological mother of Steve Jobs who unwed college graduate student have decided to give her son to the one who can give an abundant life. But suddenly the she found out that the one who adopted her son had never graduated from college. When Steve Jobs got his college life, he learned something about serif and san serif typefaces that he uses in the first Macintosh computer. That was the short summary of the first short story. The lesson that Steve Jobs want to deliver in the people was “You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards”. The past experiences and past mistakes about your life are one of the stepping stone to have a better life. Those experiences give us an ideas or lessons in life. Being dropped out student was not the measure of the mental or physical ability of one people. Steve Jobs stated in this tale that “If I had never dropped in on that single course in college, the Mac would have never had multiple typefaces or proportionally spaced fonts”. So everything happen for reasons, he dropped out and then he dropped in. Learning from something that falls short of what is expected in life gives courage to improve and make the most likely to have the best or come near to the desired destiny you want in the future.

The second short story goes like this, Woz and Jobs started the Apple in the garage. They made Apple grown and released their creation- the Macintosh. The tale also stated, Steve Jobs lost his position and fired from his company. However, he met David Packard and Bob Noyce then he started a new company named NeXT. In that year a girl Laurene gives an inspiration to Steve Jobs and having a wonderful family. The story wants us to learn one of the most important lessons in life, which was “Do what you love to do”. Finding true passion leads into the way of great work. Though Jobs lost his position, he still returned to Apple Computers because he never hates his jobs and he didn’t lose his trust from his self. Since he loved what he did, he never limits his knowledge for new learning. Make love of what you are doing, just like in love relationship if you don’t love his/her best or even his/her worst you can’t understand and you can’t reserved him/her whole heartedly, because somehow no matter what you do, that person still accept you as you. Don’t mind the failures that you experience, but just make it as tools for the future use to stand on in life. The most important things I learned does that love all you want and give significant of each reason. Don’t wait for the time will come that opportunities will disappear. That’s why Steve Jobs entitled this tale of his life as love and loss.

The last and third short story of Steve Jobs is about death. Steve Jobs was diagnosed with cancer. It clearly showed a tumor on the pancreas. He said if you live each day as if it was your last, someday you’ll most certainly be right. Steve Jobs had a biopsy through to his stomach and into his intestine only to see his tumor. The doctor found out that his tumor in his pancreas is curable with surgery. He had the surgery to get that tumor of his pancreas. This we called miracle in life. if you are in the position of Steve Jobs and you only know that you are living the world in few months would you still doing such things? I think I will do the very best things that I never had before and make some apologize to the people I hurt. As Steve Jobs detailed in this short story “No one has ever escaped the time of death”. That is pretty true even our Jesus Christ who was our savior doesn’t escaped death. It is a matter of “life cycle” first you are in the process of developing in the womb of your mother, after that you become human and every year your age has been older and older. There was no human in this earth stay young as they want. Everything is changer and everything goes older both physical and mental. Steve Jobs was trying to give message in this tale that don’t waste your time and make your best out of it. Since your time is limited don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice-Steve Jobs. During at this time he read the book of the Whole Earth Catalog, he saw and read at the back cover of the book saying “Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish.” So Steve Jobs used that saying and applying to his self and trying to preach to others.

The three stories give us many lessons that we can use to be a successful someday too. Like the message that give my friend, hurt first in order to grow, failure in order to know and sometimes we have to be broken so that we can be whole again. It’s up to you on how you’re going to run your life. Run it for good, or ruin it that bad. Yes, people will care or try to shift you back to the wrong track. However, at the end of the day, it’s still your choice that matters. Choose what you love, then love your choice. Let us turn our gift and failures into a blessing by our act of sharing so that other people can make the best too. “Stay Hungry”, don’t limit you from new learning, there is a room for learning, always be Hungry. “Stay Foolish”, don’t be afraid or fear of doing new things and change, you can never move forward in life. So, stay foolish-say Steve Job…